HiveDrive - MithyaLabs
Revolutionizing carpooling to give parents and children more freedom.

A mobile app that lets kids carpool, request rides from parents that are available in the same locality.
- Building the design system with the senior designer.
- Tokenizing and contributing to the application’s design.
- Contributing to the user flows on the application.
Timeline and Team
- 5 Months
- Team of 5 Designers

Recent polls show, 51% of parents spend 5+ hours a week driving their kids and 13% devote 10+ hours. Often times as busy parents, its hard to pick and drop kids that have multiple co-curricular interests. Jenn and Molly ~ the co-founders of HiveDrive approached us build the product to solve this problem for them and for more parents around them. HiveDrive Helps you creates Hives (for eg: like swimming lessons, Music classes, etc.) where multiple households can be a part, allowing the kids to ask for rides from parents from the same hive.
The product is up for beta testing, available on apple store all across US. Checkout the product here.

Made with tears and ☕.